Arkansas Online

Outrage of Huckabee

Those of us in Arkansas remember the outrage Mike Huckabee expressed when then-Gov. Jim Guy Tucker was convicted. We recall the sheer venom coming from the then Lt. Gov. Mike Huckabee about the black stain on our state that a convicted governor was remaining in office. We recall Mike Huckabee addressing the media, and citizens of this state, about how a corrupt governor couldn’t possibly remain in a constitutional office owing to his convictions.

We also recall Mike Huckabee was running for another office at the time, and thus stepped on the toes of the Hutchinson family with his dithering about who should run for which office. Rest assured, we citizens have noticed the daughter of Mike Huckabee, the current governor, has resisted at every turn coming clean about a $19,000 lectern. We have noticed that, apparently, corruption is just fine when allegedly committed by a family member of Mike Huckabee.

We citizens of Arkansas deserve answers to how our tax dollars were spent. We citizens of Arkansas deserve transparency from Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders. We citizens of Arkansas deserve the outrage of Mike Huckabee about corruption. We citizens of Arkansas will not get any “outrage” from the Huckabee family.

As I tell my conservative friends, “Yes, I’m a silly Democrat and I haven’t learned the criminal justice system is in place to keep Democrats in line. The criminal justice system isn’t in place to hold accountable Republican corruption.”

I’m told, “Nothing to see here, folks, move along now.”

Can I get a visitation with the lectern any time soon, Governor Sanders? I’d sure like to see it and snap a few pictures of it.




