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A final walk-through

Mandy Davis (left), direc­tor of the Jeri­cho Way Re­source Cen­ter, takes a photo of peo­ple at Tues­day’s cer­e­mony mark­ing com­ple­tion of ren­o­va­tions on a Heather Lane house in Lit­tle Rock. Mean­while, Lit­tle Rock City Direc­tor Capi Peck pho­to­graphs speak­ers at the cer­e­mony: (from left) Kay Ger­hardt and Chuck Levesque, both with Depaul USA; and Lit­tle Rock City Direc­tor Kathy Webb.
Mandy Davis (left), direc­tor of the Jeri­cho Way Re­source Cen­ter, takes a photo of peo­ple at Tues­day’s cer­e­mony mark­ing com­ple­tion of ren­o­va­tions on a Heather Lane house in Lit­tle Rock. Mean­while, Lit­tle Rock City Direc­tor Capi Peck pho­to­graphs speak­ers at the cer­e­mony: (from left) Kay Ger­hardt and Chuck Levesque, both with Depaul USA; and Lit­tle Rock City Direc­tor Kathy Webb.
Arkansas Demo­crat-Gazette/JOHN SYKES JR.

Dorothy Robbins, Chris Palmer and Vincent Talley check out a home on Heather Lane after Tuesday’s ceremony marking completion of its renovation. Depaul USA, a national homeless service...